Chinese Dragon Aberdeen

Chinese & Thai food delivery in Aberdeen

We offer Pick-up and Food Delivery


Your order will be confirmed in REAL-TIME

See MENU & Order

About Chinese Dragon Aberdeen

Welcome to Chinese Dragon Aberdeen, our Chinese takeaway that brings the authentic flavors of China right to your doorstep. Our menu offers a wide range of dishes, from traditional favorites like Foo Yung and Chow Mein with your choice of Duck, Chicken, Pork, or Vegetarian options, to modern creations such as General Sweet and Sour, Mongolian, Special, and Korean dishes.

We pride ourselves on using only the freshest ingredients and authentic Chinese spices and seasonings to create dishes that are not only flavorful but also healthy. Whether you're in the mood for something spicy or sweet, we have something to satisfy your cravings. Our food is always freshly cooked to order and served hot, making it the perfect option for a delicious meal at home or on the go.

Why not give us a try and taste the difference for yourself? We're confident that you'll love our Chinese Dragon takeaway located in Tory Aberdeen!

Opening hours

Tuesday - Sunday
16:00 - 22:00

Food delivery in Aberdeen

Looking for the best chinese takeaway in Aberdeen? Not everybody knows or has the time to prepare tasty food.

When you want to get served like a king then order for delivery or collection from Chinese Dragon Aberdeen will be your best choice.

Simply select "Delivery" or "Collection" at the checkout screen and we hope you'll appreciate our best authentic chinese cuisines.

Delivery fee

Zone 1, Min - £0.00, Fee - £2.00
Zone 2, Min - £0.00, Fee - £3.00
Zone 3, Min - £0.00, Fee - £3.50
Zone 4, Min - £0.00, Fee - £4.50

Listed in:

Food Allergy Notice

Kindly Note That Food Prepared Here May Contain These Ingredients:

Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Soybean, Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Fish and Selfish.

If you are unsure please ask a staff member before placing an order or mention it on the comment box.

Social media

Facebook link for Chinese Dragon Aberdeen